Some of our friends and interesting organizations...
CEPHEUS: Cost Efficient Passive Houses as European Union Standards
CEPHEUS was a project within the THERMIE Programme of the European Commission, which occured between 1998 and 2001 The purpose of this project was to build approximately 250 housing units to Passive House standards in five European countries and to evaluate their performance after completion. A book was written about the project and is for sale in the Store/PHPP section of the e-co lab website.
IBACOS receives primary funding from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Building America Program to research the systems approach to homebuilding, which is defined to be any approach that utilizes a comprehensive examination and analysis of overall technology, design, delivery, business practices, and construction processes; and performs cost and performance tradeoffs between individual building components and construction steps that produce a net improvement in overall building value and performance. They are monitoring the performance of Fairview House No. 1.
http: www.passivehouse.us
PHIUS is an energy calculating, consulting and research firm working to further the implementation of Passive House standards nationwide.
The Best Practices Research Alliance
http://www.theresearchalliance.org/ is a new and exciting community of forward-thinking builders aligned with IBACOS and the Building America program.
is a private/public partnership sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that conducts research to find energy-efficient solutions for new and existing housing that can be implemented on a production basis.
Urbana Permaculture Project, Urbana IL
Permaculture is when people use their knowledge of the dynamics of natural ecosystems to design human settlements. Founder Rob Scott is working to develop permaculture sites and awareness around Urbana by hosting workshops, events, and parties on how multi-layered ecosystems serve multiple functions, and generally improving the quality of life.
Gesundheit! Institute, West Virginia
Doctor Patch Adams' future silly hospital site and community space. Patch is working to revolutionize health care systems in a similar way that e-co lab is trying to revolutionize housing design and accessibility. Patch is an inspiration and close associate.